I have been blessed with an amazing and large and loving family...
I have not yet had to face a death in my family...
How do I accept and understand that that day will come? Why does it have to? These people mean so much to me why do they one day have to leave? I know it has not happened yet but I know that day is coming and don't like it. Why can't things just stay the way they are?
For now these thoughts are pushed away and I am going to focus on changing me... Need to see my Grandparents, need to spend time with them. Need is going to change into Will starting today... Can't let them go without showing them how much I love and care for them as well.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much
I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who blessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy
I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace whoblessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace whoblessed your name unapologetically
And leave that kind of legacy
Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one... "
I read a blog earlier today and it was basically talking about when you walk out your door what does the world see? What does everyone around you in your everyday life see? What example do you lay before everyone? What kind of display are you to everyone else?
It's so easy to ask others these questions but sooo not to ask myself! I ask myself if I was displayed on a wall or a shelf or in a pretty antique cabinet how would you view me? Hmmm tough question that I definitely do not have the answer to. However, I do know how I would like for you to view me. I would like to leave Legacy inside everyone that is a part of my life (of course) but more importantly for myself and God. I would like to display myself as a Godly, loyal, humble, compassionate, kind, loving, selfless, forgiving, accepting woman who walks out that front door and shines of these qualities everyday. I also know that starts with me and the decisions I make everyday.
When I read that blog today it made me remember the song above and how important it is to me to leave a Legacy, this kind of Legacy.
Would you like to leave a Legacy? If so what kind of Legacy do you want to leave?
Confessions of an Official Book Worm

Okay so how should I say this...um... I have a secret and I have decided that I am going to shall I say come out of the closet, come clean, drop the bomb, let it go, CoNfEsS! Okay all my fellow bloggers are you ready...
I am completely and totally absolutely head over hills in love with READING! Yep I said it reading... I know I know shocker!
Okay maybe not a shocker but for me it is because nearly three months ago I despised reading. I discovered my new found love at work. You see my position where I work is a receptionist and I am stuck sitting at a desk and cannot move for almost eight straight hours. Except for two 15 minute breaks and an one hour lunch break. There are definitely times where it can get pretty boring! I learned that the receptionist before me brought magazines and/or books to keep herself occupied when things were slow so I decided to do the same and WA-LAH book worm born!
Through these slow moments at work I have learned that I love Nicholas Sparks, thrillers, James Patterson, several Christian life learning books, and especially my favorite Memoirs! So if any of you bloggers out there share my interest and love reading please by all means share... I would love to hear about books that you think are awesome!
Thanks in advance!
Your Fellow Book Worm
I am completely and totally absolutely head over hills in love with READING! Yep I said it reading... I know I know shocker!
Okay maybe not a shocker but for me it is because nearly three months ago I despised reading. I discovered my new found love at work. You see my position where I work is a receptionist and I am stuck sitting at a desk and cannot move for almost eight straight hours. Except for two 15 minute breaks and an one hour lunch break. There are definitely times where it can get pretty boring! I learned that the receptionist before me brought magazines and/or books to keep herself occupied when things were slow so I decided to do the same and WA-LAH book worm born!
Through these slow moments at work I have learned that I love Nicholas Sparks, thrillers, James Patterson, several Christian life learning books, and especially my favorite Memoirs! So if any of you bloggers out there share my interest and love reading please by all means share... I would love to hear about books that you think are awesome!
Thanks in advance!
Your Fellow Book Worm
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