Saturday, February 12, 2011


Face down on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I have no idea what to say to you or pray except, I lay it down at your feet, I surrender it all to you. Over and over, those words repeatedly coming out of my mouth as I cry out. Only 24 years old and I am already tired. Burdened with the weight of the world and the stresses of life. Yet at that moment I am the most real and the most free that I have been in years. In that moment everything has been lifted, the weights upon my shoulders being taken into your grip, into your control. In that moment I no longer question, I just know that you have already taken care of everything uncertain that lies before me.

No. I've never questioned whether you exist or not. I have never had to go through a phase of asking myself, what do I believe? I never tampered with the thought, the realm of trying to live life believing, telling myself that you don't exist. Why? Because of moment like these. I could never question you because I know that I could never feel like this on my own. I've not only felt your presence, I have seen you work. Its indescribable, its what makes me live life believing, telling myself to keep going. To not give up. That I am not doing this by myself. That I am not living life on my own. And that is something I never want to miss.