Monday, September 6, 2010

Putting Aside the Masquerade/Part 3

I was created in his image.

In those 6 words it pretty much sums it up for me. I am flawed. I am every bit imperfection and nothing close to perfect. I was definitely not blessed with the looks of Halle Berry or Angelina Jolie and I even get on my nerves sometimes. But I was created by him.

Who am I to take what he has created, pick it apart and tear it down? I always have things I need to work on and area's where I need to grow. Staying focused on myself rather than other's so I can be the best me is definitely not a bad thing. However, in order to be the best me I need to stop taking my imperfections and trying to make them perfect. If he created me flawed and imperfect in order to draw me closer to him than this is who I want to be.

I was created in his image. He imagined me the way I am, the way he wants me. Thank you father for loving me so much and helping me learn to love myself.

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